Thursday 17 October 2024

Trick and Treat
Three friends eat a magical treat that transforms them into sexy female versions of the costumes they wear in Trick and Treat, available on Body Swap Stories, Smashwords and Amazon.

Vince's brother, Brett, and his best friend, Hunter, insisted on going trick or treating even though, at 18, they're way too old. Brett dressed as some obscure, leather-clad female superhero. Hunter dressed as Hallequin, the original inspiration for a famous evil clown's sidekick. Vince, well,  Vince reluctantly stuck some cheap plastic fangs in his mouth and called himself a vampire.

Everything changes when they get given some magical candy and they all transform. Brett becomes the buxom Black Claw. Hunter becomes the sexy Hellequin. Vince, well, Vince becomes a sexy vampire.

As the night wears on they begin to take on the persona of their new forms, and they can't help enjoying all the pleasures of their sexy new bodies.

“Come on!” Vince moaned. “The sooner we start the sooner we're done.”

“In a minute!” Brett called out, his voice muffled from behind the closed door of his room.

“If you're not out in two minutes you can forget it.”

“I'll tell mom!”

Vince huffed in impatience and stormed off to wait in the kitchen. He was way too old to go trick or treating but his mom had roped him into taking his younger brother around. Fuck, at 18 even his younger brother was too old to go trick or treating. Now Vince would probably be the last one to arrive at the Halloween party that all his soon-to-be frat brothers would be attending. He'd have no chance with Cindi then. It was common knowledge that when he got drunk she would make out with anyone. How many parties had he gone to where someone had come back downstairs grinning like an asshole, Cindi trailing behind, her big, plump ass swaying back and forth? Dammit, it was his turn to see that tremendous butt and to have her go down on him. Because, honestly, if it wasn't Cindi it probably wouldn't be anyone.

Vince wasn't the most popular guy. He wasn't conventionally handsome. He wasn't particularly bright (or, to be fair, particularly dumb). In fact, he had no accomplishments at all. He was just sort of...there. It didn’t help that he still lived with his parents. Still didn’t have a job.

Vince threw himself into a chair in the living room and flipped through his phone, running his hand absently through his messy black hair. A minute later Brett crept downstairs. Vince looked up at him, took in the cheap faux-latex breastplate that left Brett's limbs bare, complete with thigh high boots, black gauntlets and black mask.

“The hell are you supposed to be?” Vince asked.

“Black Claw,” Brett replied, as if it was obvious.

“I have no idea who that is.”

“From an old seventies movie about a vigilante who fights crime in New York City.”

“That's Batman.”

“Girls can fight crime, too.”

“You're dressed as a girl?” Vince eyed Brett's costume again with this new information.

Now that he looked at it, the breastplate was basically a corset. Leave it to his brother to choose some obscure superhero. And a girl to boot.

Vince was interrupted from trying to think of something clever without being transphobic by a knock at the door, followed immediately by the door swinging open to reveal his friend, Hunter. Hunter wore a suit stitched together out of black and red fabric. His long, blonde surfer locks were tied up in two pigtails, one spray-painted red, the other black. He lazily swung a baseball bat in his right hand.

“Howdy, Vince. We going to this party?” Hunter drawled in his lazy skater way. He also had the brash good looks of a skater hunk but he’d graduated top of his class.

Vince cocked his head. “Who are you supposed to be?”

“Hellequin,” Hunter grinned, swinging his bat slowly. “From the Italian commedia dell’arte.” Off Vince’s blank look, Hunter explained. “Sexy mischief maker. The original inspiration for the clown’s girl in Batman.”

“Oh, you mean Harley Quinn.”

“No,” Hunter winked. “That’s copyright. This is the original 1600’s version.”

“Jesus, it's ladies night,” Vince muttered.

“Come on,” Hunter said, “Let's go partay!”

“Can't,” Vince replied, jerking a thumb at Brett, “Gotta take him trick or treating first.”

“Sweet, I'm in!” Hunter looked at Brett and frowned. “Sexy Batman?”

“Close enough,” Brett shrugged. “Black Claw.”

Vince pushed himself to his feet. “All right, let's go.”

“Hey,” Hunter stopped him, “You can't go out without a costume.”

Vince huffed again. “Jesus, not you, too.” He turned to Brett. “Where's the costume box?”

“In my room!”

Brett ran upstairs and returned a few seconds later lugging a large box that bumped against his knees. It was filled with a collection of Halloween outfits and decorations that the family had collected over the years. Vince dug through, looking for something suitably subtle, finally coming up with some fake vampire teeth he'd worn years ago. He popped them into his mouth and grinned.

“Happy now?”

“Let's get some candy!” Brett pumped his fist and grabbed a plastic bag.

“Free sugar!” Hunter called, nearly as excited as Brett.

The two ran out into the street, Vince following sullenly behind. It was just past dusk and the streetlights were beginning to wink on. Vince walked as fast as he could to try to keep up with the other two without breaking into a run. It was really hard to keep his cool when Brett and Hunter were geeking so hard. Vince was usually the steady one in the face of Hunter's easy enthusiasm. And now Vince's younger brother was winding Brett up. It was like Hunter didn't even care about being cool, and that somehow made him seem even more cool. Hunter didn't need to get to the party early to make out with a girl. He'd have a handful of girls throwing themselves at him by the end of the night, attracted to his charm and easy good looks.

Brett led them towards the “good” houses, which he'd mapped out last year as having the best candy, while he argued with Hunter over what, exactly, the best candy was. Why couldn’t he have a brother that acted his age?

“Reese's Pieces, definitely,” Hunter said.

Brett made a face. “Eww. No way. Snickers. Give me caramel any day.”

“No way, dude. Peanut butter and chocolate beats anything.”

They passed some impressive displays as they wound through the streets. Ghosts and fake dead bodies hung from trees. Windows full of cobwebs. Candles sputtered inside jack-o-lanterns. But there was one house that beat them all.

“Whoa,” Brett said, stopping in his tracks to look up at number 23 Snakewood Lane.

It was the only house built on a small, dead end lane, and it resembled a Gothic manor even in the best of times. But now the owner had gone to impressive lengths for decoration.

The house seemed to loom over the street. Eerie red light flickered from behind the sidelights of the front door, and dim orange lights flickered in the windows above, giving the whole place the appearance of a ghoulish face opening wide its mouth to eat visitors. The entire yard was decorated like a graveyard, filled with zombies half buried in the earth and skeletons clawing their way towards the sidewalk. The remains of half a mannequin lay stretched across part of the walkway, the upper half nothing but an array of fake viscera and gore, as if it had suddenly exploded. Vince had the impression of people whispering, though he couldn't identify where the susurrations were coming from. The whole place was wildly over-the-top and eerier than it had any right to be. It should have been dreadfully entertaining, but there was something in the zombie leers that seemed too real. Like the whole thing could come to life at any moment.

“The guy who lives here is such an asshole,” Brett whispered.

“Yeah?” Hunter asked.

“Yeah. Dumps his trash on the street. Plays loud music just to piss off his neighbors. They say last year he drugged some candy and got some kids high but no one could prove it.”

“Good, maybe that will make tonight more interesting,” Vince said, pushing open the squeaky iron gate. “Come on. You wanted to trick or treat, right?”

Vince marched up the path to the front porch and banged on the impressively solid sounding door. Brett and Hunter followed behind, arriving just as the door creaked open. The face that looked out at them was disappointingly normal. It was a guy probably somewhere in his mid-thirties with impeccably coiffed hair that was swept back across his forehead. He wore a pale blue button down shirt and khaki pants. In his hands he held a silver bowl of candy.

“Trick or treat,” Vince mumbled around the fangs in his mouth.

The man peered at him. “And what are you supposed to be?”

“Vampire, yeah?” Vince mumbled, baring his fake fangs.

“Vampire girl, you say?”

“No. Vam-pire!” Vince enunciated around the teeth.

The man shook his head and turned to the other two. “And you?”

“Hellequin.” “Black Claw.” Hunter and Brett muttered together.

The guy had a mocking stare that seemed to lay bare the embarrassment of their costumes. “How many seconds thought did you put into your costume?” He jeered at Vince.

Vince knew he'd half-assed it, but being confronted like this was still unexpected. “Look, man, I didn't even want to trick or treat. I just wanted to go to a party.”

“Not into the spirit of Halloween, huh?”

Vince held out his bag. “You gonna give us some candy or not?” The man set the bowl down on a table just inside the door. “I've got some special candy for you.”

Read the rest on Body Swap Stories, Smashwords and Amazon.

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Pretty people
Request: Hi! My birthday is coming up on the 12 and any chance you might turn me into my dream girl who is a high school cheerleader. I was never popular in high school, just a recluse so missed out on lots but always have dreamed of being a pretty girl. Thanks!

Zoe had been a recluse in high school. She'd had a few close friends but she was surprised if anyone else in the school even knew who she was. She never took advantage of any of the extra curricular activities, preferring instead to get lost in a book or go down the wikipedia wormhole. She was never one of the pretty people voted prom queen or asked to the dances. Her high school life was unremarkable and she remained a virgin into her twenties. Whenever she looked back on high school, she wished she'd done more.The Great Shift gave her that chance, shifting her into the body of a pretty, petite high school senior named Lana. For the first time in her life, Zoe felt pretty. Other people thought so, too. As an added bonus, she got to redo the last year of high school. This time she took full advantage, using her lithe new body to become a cheerleader.The old Zoe never would have put on a tiny skirt and flipped in front of a crowd. Never would have flirted so brazenly with Tom, the handsome star basketball player. Never would have taken him one dayin the locker room.Zoe's new body was so flexible, so responsive. She felt every inch of Tom's cock as she lowered herself down onto his thick warm shaft. She clutched him and tossed her head back, sighing as he filled Zoe's tiny new body, his hands clutching her taut ass. Straddling him, she dragged her sopping pussy up and down his length, burying him deep within her and moaning as pleasure filled her and he kissed her, his lips burning their way across her skin as her new body rose to orgasm. She came with a tiny cry, body shaking as her boyfriend filled her, worshiping her body as they shook together.This time, Zoe would have no regrets.

A freak accident causes a brother to swap bodies with his busty sister, and the longer he's in her body the more he enjoys it in Shocked, available only on Body Swap Stories and Smashwords. Preview here.

Sunday 13 October 2024

Ashley held her husband down, using his own hands to clutch at her former breasts, fingers digging into the deliciously ripe tits. She drove her new cock deep into her warm cunt, staring down at herself to watch her slide in and out of that slick hole. Desire was so much more immediate in her husband's body. Tension built within her balls, urging her to thrust deeper, faster.Ashley plunged into her husband, watching him wiggle on the bed, eyes rolled back with pleasure, his entire body bouncing with each thrust."Fuck, I'm gonna cum," Ashley moaned.Her husband's eyes shot open. "Pull out!""No!" Ashley grunted, thrusting in deep and releasing herself.The tension burst, giving way to sweet relief as she emptied herself into her former body, cock spasming inside her husband's wet hole. He was pinned beneath her, little mouth opened in shock, brow creased in confusion and fear. Ashley finished with one final thrust, driving herself in to the hilt as her cock finished throbbing. She pulled out, new dick slick with their mingled juices."W-we're stuck like this," her husband said, lip quivering."We are," Ashley nodded.Realization dawned. "You did this on purpose!"She had. They both knew they were playing with fire by swapping bodies and having sex, but her husband had no idea she was planning to steal his life."I'll be wearing the pants from now on," Ashley said. "So you better get used to it."

A freak accident causes a brother to swap bodies with his busty sister, and the longer he's in her body the more he enjoys it in Shocked, available only on Body Swap Stories and Smashwords. Preview here.

Saturday 12 October 2024

Request: Year after your, your captions are simply the best!Can you do a cap where a guy named Kyle wishes to know what his daughter will be when she grows up? The next morning his wish is granted when he wakes up in her body right when she's giving her husband a blowjob. After they finish, Kyle learns she's a successful lawyer leading a big law firm, which leaves him happy for her future, and secretly hoping for another visit to check in on her future again.

Kyle was worried about his daughter's future. She was constantly in trouble and in danger of not graduating. One night he made a wish on a shooting star."I wish I knew what my daughter will be like when she's grown," he mused.Instantly, he found himself on his knees in someone's kitchen. He was looking up into a man's face,one hand on the man's groin, something warm and rubbery on his tongue. He couldn't control his body. He was just along for the ride as whoever's body he was in dragged their tongue up the underside of the cock in front of his lips and then swallowed it.As the dick plunged down Kyle's throat he felt the long hair on his head tickle his neck, and the tits on his chest bounce slightly each time he drew his lips down the length of the cock. He swirled his head as he took the cock inside, the head gliding across his tongue, filling his mouth with the musky scent that somehow delighted his body.Kyle found his new body moving faster, sucking quicker, and soon the man standing above him groaned and shot his load down Kyle's throat. The hot cum filled his mouth and he swallowed it down, keeping his lips wrapped around the cock until it finished pumping and every drop was in Kyle's belly. Why did it taste so good? Why was he so horny?Kyle found his body standing, kissing the man, then going to get dressed. His body moved in front of a mirror and he saw his daughter's reflection as she did her makeup, her fingers dancing lightly over their shared face.She dressed in a fancy suit and drove to a law firm, at which point Kyle was deposited back in his own body in the past. He hoped he would see another shooting star so he could check on her again. Maybe try her sex life from her own point of view.

A freak accident causes a brother to swap bodies with his busty sister, and the longer he's in her body the more he enjoys it in Shocked, available only on Body Swap Stories and Smashwords. Preview here.

Friday 11 October 2024

Lose again
"Looks like you lose again," Adam grinned, still leaning over the pool table where he'd sunk his last ball. His enormous new tits swung down his chest, held in place from the tight red dress."Aargh!" The demon screamed, snapping his pool cue in half. "Fine. You get another wish."Adam stood and leaned on the cue, cocking his hip. "Make my tits bigger.""Fine," the demon pretended to sulk.The demon waved a paw and Adam's tits ballooned out again, straining against the red dress. Each was now nearly as big as his head."Best of nine?" The demon asked."Why not?" Adam shrugged, sending his massive tits bouncing.This time Adam found it a little harder to aim. His balance was off. His tits kept getting in the way.It was all part of the demon's plan. He knew sooner or later Adam would change his body so much that he would lose. And then the demon would get a transformation of his choice. He was looking forward to making Adam his siren slut. Using Adam to tempt others into unwinnable wagers.Adam slunk around the pool table, frowning as he examined his options. His hips swayed beneath the dress. His body was almost perfect. He just needed one more win and he'd ask to be irresistible to other women. Then the demon could fuck off.But this game was harder. Adam's tits were messing up his aim. His body was messing up his concentration. He wanted to explore now. Touch himself. Hear his delicious new voice orgasm. He tried to ignore the growing wetness between his thighs and focus on the game.

A freak accident causes a brother to swap bodies with his busty sister, and the longer he's in her body the more he enjoys it in Shocked, available only on Body Swap Stories and Smashwords. Preview here.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Body heist
"Ha ha, yes," Vince whispered to himself as he stared into the mirror. The reflection of his ex-girlfriend stared back at him.He touched his soft face, exploring his new contours while his other hand came up to his belly. His arm pressed against a breast and he giggled.Vince had snuck into the swap party, knowing it was probably only a matter of time until he ended up inside his ex-girlfriend. It had been a bad breakup and he missed, but now he wore her skin.He stood admiring the few for a few seconds as the party resumed in the other room. His eyes roamed over his cute face, across his slender breasts, down to the new emptiness between his legs. He touched himself all over. God, how he'd missed her. And now he had her whenever he wanted.Vince found some clothes and got himself dressed. It was a shame to cover up her body but there would be plenty of time for fun later. Once he was fully clothed, he snuck out of the house through the window, climbing down to the ground floor and running away.By the time she realized he'd stolen her body, he'd be miles away and already embarked on the beginnings of his new life. He'd been planning this for months, getting his ex an invite to the swap party, setting up a new identity with new ID, squirreling away some savings, getting her friends to convince her to go.And now her body was his. She would never get away from him again. Now she would finally dress however he wanted, act how he thought she should. Vince was never going back.

A husband and wife use special pills to transform themselves and carry on secret careers in the porn industry in Pills to Pay the Bills, available only on Body Swap Stories or Smashwords. Preview here.

Sunday 6 October 2024

Can't touch this
"What are you gonna do about it?" Jake teased Aubrey as he wiggled her own butt at her.Aubrey gaped at the round buttocks, dark desires flickering through her mind. The unfamiliar testosterone coursing through her gave her an urge to just reach out and take him, shove her cock in as hard and fast into her former wet hole as it would go. She was instantly at attention as her brother grazed her ass against her pants.The two siblings had always bickered, so their parents saw Swap Class as an opportunity for them to learn about each other. Usually, siblings weren't swapped with each other but Jake and Aubrey's parents lobbied the school for an exception.Jake was initially disappointed to find he would be in his sister's body. But he soon found fun ways to tease her even more. Her raging hormones meant she was constantly getting erect, so Jake took every opportunity when their parents weren't home to walk around in panties, a bra and heels to tease her."Can't touch this," Jake sang twisting back and forth.Audrey broke. She shoved Jake up against the bench and dropped her pants. Jake squeaked as his former cock nestled up against his new entrance. He was surprised at how slick his sister's kisses made him and in no time Audrey yanked apart his panties and sheathed herself into his slick pussy. Audrey fucked herself over the bench, Jake moaning as his own cock filled him until it exploded, coating his insides with hot cum.Swap Class worked, as the siblings got very close, sneaking into each other's rooms whenever the mood struck them to enjoy each other.

A husband and wife use special pills to transform themselves and carry on secret careers in the porn industry in Pills to Pay the Bills, available only on Body Swap Stories or Smashwords. Preview here.