Wednesday 21 August 2024

Stalked by the Stranger
A young man's transformation into his busty MILF fantasy is just the beginning of the changes the powerful being known as the Stranger has in store for him in Stalked by the Stranger, available only on Body Swap Stories or Smashwords.

David is about to head off to college and is celebrating with his girlfriend and his family when the Stranger bursts in and changes everything. The Stranger swaps the family's bodies, transforms David into a busty MILF and then...leaves. No further torments. No mind control. But David swears he felt a powerful connection to the Stranger.

David tries to go on with his life, attending college in his busty new body. But the Stranger follows him, swapping and transforming those around him, forcing them to pleasure David. Why is the Stranger obsessed with him? And what happens when David gives in to the Stranger's power, using it to take vengeance on everyone who's ever wronged him?

“Can you take this to the table, please?” Mom asked me, gesturing to the salad bowl sitting on the kitchen counter.

She had her hands full with the pot roast so I stuffed a bread roll in my mouth—as mom rolled her eyes—and followed her to the dining table with the salad. My sister had already set the table using our parents’ nice dishes and my dad was pouring wine for everyone. My girlfriend, Tania, was flitting around offering to help wherever it was needed.

“We’re ready to eat!” Mom announced setting the roast on the table.

Dad filled the wine glasses and passed them out, even giving one to me and Tania though we were only eighteen. “You won’t be drinking the good stuff at college,” he winked at me.

Mom prodded him playfully. “They shouldn’t be drinking at all.”

“You’re right, mom, they shouldn’t,” my sister cut in. “But they will.” My sister was older than me and had recently graduated college herself. She was no stranger to the partying lifestyle. If mom and dad had heard half the stories she told me they would have had heart attacks.

I wasn’t as much of a social butterfly as my sister. She took after my mom, slender and athletic, her dirty blonde hair in an asymmetrical bob and a stud in her nose that had cause much drama when she first wore it home.

I was a younger version of my beefy dad, struggling to grow a dark goatee to hide the fact I had no chin. I much preferred staying home with some video games, or a rousing game of dungeons and dragons with my friends. Tania was much the same, which was why we got along so well together. I was worried about what would become of our relationship now that we were about to head off to separate colleges. We were both pretending that a long distance relationship would work, though I suspected that she harbored similar doubts as I did.

My dad raised his wine glass and we all did the same. “Here’s to David and Tania going off to college.”

It was Tania’s last night in town and my parents were making a special occasion out of it. Though our classes didn’t start for another month, Tania’s parents were taking her on a trip across Europe and I probably wouldn’t see her in person again until the first semester break. I just wanted to snuggle up with her—yes, and make out, maybe even more—but we’d been dating for a while and she was practically part of the family so my parents insisted on a nice dinner.

We all sipped our wine and just as I was setting my glass down the front flew open. A chilly wind swept through the living room and my blood went cold even before I turned around and confirmed that the Stranger was in our living room. He looked just like the rumors on the internet said he did: a tall man wearing a grey overcoat down to his knees. A wide-brimmed hat shrouded his face in entire darkness, leaving his features a blank black void. Only the unnatural gleaming white of his evil blank eyes and manic grin were visible from the shadow.

Everyone had heard of the Stranger, though few people had ever seen him. He appeared from nowhere to cause havoc, swapping bodies, transforming people, controlling their minds and shaping their desires. Having the Stranger appear in one’s house seemed to be as likely as winning the lottery, though with even more life-changing consequences.

My dad pushed his chair back and began to stand. I grabbed Tania’s arm, intent on pulling her away. But with one wave of the Stranger’s hand we were frozen in place were we sat. None of us—me, mom, dad, my sister and girlfriend—could move a muscle as the Stranger swept towards us. His creepy white eyes captured us all. He raised his hand and, with one finger extended, pointed to my sister, dragged his finger through the air to point at mom, then to dad, then back to my sister.

He must have freed them because as soon as he finished his gesture they panicked, staring down at themselves and then back to each other. Mom’s mouth dropped open and she shrieked. My sister held her hands away from her body, as if afraid she might accidentally touch herself. Dad gasped and looked down at his own hands in shock.

The Stranger raised his hand towards them again, looking as if he might cause more chaos, but then paused and cocked his head, as if some sound had caught his attention, before turning to me. I don’t know what I’d done to catch his attention. I was literally frozen in place from his powers. When his eyes met mine I felt him inside my head. A dark presence rummaging through my thoughts. He must have liked what he saw because his manic grin grew somehow even wider.

What do you like? I heard a voice in my head. His voice. Cold and curious, like a scientist examining an interesting specimen.

I didn’t say a word but he flicked through my thoughts, My fantasies raced through my mind. Skin and tits and ass and pussy. All the women I’d masturbated to online. And the one I kept returning to.

Lisa. He said in my mind, naming me as he flicked his hand towards me.

Suddenly, I was free from his spell. I jumped out of my seat. I didn’t know what I was going to do—attack him? Run?—but whatever it was, the changes stopped me.

My body began morphing. My belly wiggled and flattened, the fat dissolving, skin tightening to leave a trace of abs. My legs and torso grew taller, my legs changing as they did so, becoming leaner, the dark hair evaporating and leaving soft pale skin in its place. Dark hair cascaded down my face and I pushed it out of the way with fingers that had grown dainty, the fingernails gently manicured and gorgeous. My face wriggled, changing shape, the contours smoothing away, facial hair disappearing, nose narrowing. Then my balance was thrown off as my hips ballooned out, my ass growing thick and bouncy. The clothes on my body shrank into nothingness, except for a pair of floral patterned panties that looked incongruous straining to contain my manhood. But the pressure was quickly alleviated as my cock shrank to nothingness.

In terror, I grabbed my new panties and yanked them down in time to see my cock completely disappear. I could feel the changes in my groin, a pussy taking the place of my dick, my unruly dark hair becoming a trimmed triangle. As I stared down at myself, two breasts ballooned from my chest, changing my center of gravity and making me stagger forward. They continued growing until they were huge and unwieldy, both nearly as big as my head and with a fat pink areola capping each one. I stared up at my girlfriend in shock, my mouth gaping open, not knowing what to do or say. The Stranger had completely transformed me into a busty, wide-hipped MILF. The kind I’d secretly masturbated to when watching porn. I was my own fantasy.

The Stranger followed my gaze to my girlfriend and raised his hand again.

“No! Not her!” I said, jumping forward to try to block whatever power he was sending to her. My huge tits swayed and my whole body felt off balance as I tried to coordinate my new body, my wider hips, my leaner legs.

A young man's transformation into his busty MILF fantasy is just the beginning of the changes the powerful being known as the Stranger has in store for him in Stalked by the Stranger, available only on Body Swap Stories or Smashwords.

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