Wednesday 18 September 2024

All Mixed Up
A bully has used his new body swapping powers to mix up my family and have his way with me in their bodies in All Mixed Up, available only on Body Swap Stories and Smashwords.

For fans of the How bad? series.

I thought it was a good sign when the bully who picked on me had a sudden personality shift. I didn't know that it meant he'd gained a power that would turn my life and the lives of my family upside down.

He started with my sister first, swapping bodies with her and then forcing me to satisfy her. Before I'd even finished, he swapped me into my sister's body.

Then he set his sights on the rest of my family, swapping me around into their bodies and forcing me to do whatever degrading thing he wanted to with my other family members on the promise that he would swap us all back.

But I should have known better than to trust a bully to keep his word.

The fact that Scott hasn’t picked on me the last few days is a good sign. I usually avoid him as much as I can, but even on a normal day I see him around the school when changing classes or going to lunch. Skinny and mean, he always lurks the hallways with his three friends making rude comments to everyone, threatening people, smoking. Typical small man syndrome.

I don’t know why he singles me out. Maybe I make his nerd senses tingle. Maybe he sees weakness. Maybe he’s just an asshole. He knows I won’t fight back and he’s right. I mean, what am I gonna do? I’m not gonna start something with four guys who smoke and have tattoos. Most often I just give them what they want and run. Yes, it leaves me without lunch, but better than getting punched in the face.

I’m not a total nerd. Sure, I’m smart and all. But forget that picture of the bucktooth dork with glasses and a goofy smile. Okay, maybe my smile’s a little goofy but I’m no stereotype. I care about wearing the right clothes, even if I don’t know what they are. My glasses have thin frames and I don’t begin all my sentences with ‘Actually…’. I lift weights sometimes with my dad’s weight set and a video of a trainer on the internet. Like most every other eighteen-year-old I just try to fit in. I think that, at best, I’m solidly in the middle of the pack looks-wise.

The last time Scott tormented me was three days ago. He and his cronies cornered me outside of school and hustled me back behind the dumpsters. Scott flicked his cigarette away and sneered at me.

“Hey, dipshit,” he said. “We’re hungry.”

I glanced up at his friends, who hovered around me menacingly.

“What do you want from me?” I said, glad at least that my voice wasn’t trembling.

Scott put his arm around my shoulders and tightened his grip. “Well, Nick, you’re gonna treat us to some burgers.”

He flicked the top of my ear, making it sting. Then he walked me across the street to the nearby Burger Man where I used my mom’s emergency credit card to buy them all meals. I kept looking for an opportunity to run but they had me surrounded.

“Why don’t you get one for yourself, too?” Scott offered, magnanimously.

I wasn’t hungry but he ordered for me. When our food arrived they took it and hustled me out to the parking lot. Scott unwrapped my burger and pulled the bun off. Then he spat on it and offered it around to his three friends, who also spat on it. Huge wet loogies. Then he put the bun back on and gave it to me.

“Eat it,” Scott said.

“No.” This was a line I was not going to cross.

Scott glanced around to see if anyone was looking, then quick as a flash he punched me in the face. I stepped back, stunned as much as anything. He grinned and his friends crowded around me.

“Eat it,” he repeated.

I recognized it as a warning. He wouldn’t hesitate to do much more to me. I took a bite and forced myself to chew as fast as possible, gulping it all down. When I finished the whole thing they laughed at me and turned to go.

“Tell your sister I said ‘hi’,” Scott winked.

The thought of him and my sister, Kate, together is laughable. Petite, cute and blonde, she has her pick of guys. Yes, I’m jealous. Not for having the pick of guys but that we’re twins and she seems to have gotten all the best genes. The best looks. The best brains. Even my own friends have a crush on her.

Scott and his gang walked off to enjoy the meal I paid for while I was left alone in the parking lot, sick to my stomach. I thought about telling my parents what had happened but when I got home Kate was gushing to them about how she was the lead in the school play. She would probably be some sort of movie star someday and I would just be me. In the end, I didn’t tell anyone what had happened. I was too embarrassed and disgusted with myself.

Anyway, the last few days have been much better for me. Scott seems to have abandoned his friends. I see him wandering morosely down the hallway all alone. Sometimes he’ll look at me like he wants to say something but then doesn’t. I heave a sigh of relief and scoot away quickly. I’m not sure what’s changed but I’m not going to question it.

As I’m changing classes, I run into my sister. She has her backpack slung over one shoulder. Her blonde hair falls down to her shoulders in soft waves. Something’s odd with her makeup and it takes me a second to realize she’s not wearing any, which is strange for her. In fact, she’s been acting odd for the last couple days.

“Nick!” She yells my name. There’s a huge grin on her face. “I need some money for lunch.”

“Use your own credit card.”

“I forgot my PIN number. I’m such a dumb little idiot!” She laughs, smacking her forehead.

“Um…” I’m not sure how to respond. It’s so out of character for her.

“Come on, Nick,” she says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and squeezing tight. “Buy me some lunch.”

“Fine. I’ll meet you in the cafeteria.”

The bell rings, signaling it’s time to get to class. Kate releases me and flicks the back of my ear. It stings.


“See you at lunch,” she gives me a little wave and slinks off the wrong way. I know her classes, and none of them are that way. I don’t know what’s gotten into her.

At lunch it’s even weirder. She doesn’t sit with her friends but picks a spot all on her own. People keep looking over at her and snickering. Even my friend, Gary, keeps glancing her way, like he knows something I don’t. I’m trying to tell him about this new video game I’m working on and he’s not even listening. Finally, I put my sandwich down.

“What’s going on? Why is everyone looking at my sister?”

“You don’t know?”


“Dude,” he leans closer, “Your sister sent out topless pictures to her group chat and told people to pass them on. Now everyone’s seen them.”

“My sister?” Now, Kate likes attention but she’s kind of a prude. I can’t imagine her doing that. “You sure it’s not a deepfake?”

“Uh, there’s like…a lot. And she’s the one sending them.”

Great, that’s what I need. My friend jerking it to my sister.

As I’m sitting there eating lunch, Scott passes by my table and stomps over to my sister. I can’t hear what they’re saying but he seems angry, gesturing to his phone. My sister laughs and tosses her hair back then says something I can’t hear. Scott’s face goes white. His lips tighten. Then he just skulks out of the cafeteria and Kate watches him with a smirk on her face. When she finishes up she struts past me and shoots me a smug look. I notice that Gary’s eyes are locked on her wiggling butt as she walks out the door. Gross.

By the time I get home, Kate’s naked pictures are in one of the group chats I’m in. I recoil and quickly scroll away but I’ve already seen a glimpse of my sister’s breast that makes me disgusted. God, I don’t want to see my own sister naked. Is there anything grosser? I beg everyone else to delete the pictures but I’m sure they ignore me.

I toss my phone aside in disgust and stare up at my ceiling. That’s when I become aware of the sound. My bedroom shares a wall with my sister’s room. Through the thin walls I can hear faint cries of excitement. Fuck, she’s masturbating again. It’s like she just discovered how to do it in the last few days and is making up for lost time. Unnervingly, even though I know it’s my sister, the cries of a woman in orgasm makes my animal lust rise.

I grab my headphones and slap on the first video I find on my phone, cranking the volume to drown out her cries. Come on, Kate, have some decency. I mean, I masturbate a lot but I do it quietly. After about twenty minutes of videos I think it’s safe to take my headphones off. But just as I do I hear the loudest wail of pleasure from her room. Has she gotten louder? This is ridiculous.

I toss off my headphones and stomp out of my room and over to her door, making sure to stomp on the floor and make as much noise as possible. This is already going to be the most awkward conversation I’ve ever had, but hopefully it will stop me from ever having to think about my sister as a sexual being again.

Her cries are rising in pitch again as I knock loudly on the door. “Kate, I can hear what you’re doing in there. Can you knock it off, or at least keep it down?”

Read the rest on Body Swap Stories and Smashwords.

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